Orthopedic dog bed "Pet Comfort Lounge", brown


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Thanks to the certified high-density viscoelastic 'Memory foam' material and the supportive 'Base Foam' layer, the orthopedic dog bed mattress adapts to the shape of each pet's body, reducing pressure on the joints, spine, and muscles, and ensuring maximum comfort.
The mattress is guaranteed not to shrink more than 10% of its declared thickness within 2 years.


Carefully selected neutral colours minimize stains visibility. When cleaning is needed, the easily removable cover can be washed in a washing machine and dried in a dryer.


A double-layered, top-quality fabrics, sturdy stitching and reliable accessories make this dog bed built to last.
The non-slip bottom will prevent the bed from sliding on various surfaces.
The seams and zippers are guaranteed for 2 years.
We create sustainable products – the side pillows of the bed are filled with 100% recycled poly fibre.


In the event of an unfortunate incident and the presence of liquids on the bed surface, the integrated waterproof mattress cover will protect the mattress from damage.


The sleeping surface and side pillows are covered with a soft and pleasant-to-touch fabrics, which helps the dog relax, reduce anxiety, feel safe and comfortable lying in the bed.


The side pillows are designed to prevent your pet from rolling out of the bed and to provide comfortable head support.
You can adjust the softness of the cushions to your pet's individual needs by reducing or increasing the amount of filling.


The stylish bed, with its colour and design, will seamlessly complement your home interior. 


What does package include? Instructions for use and washing.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Aukštis 10 cm. OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 cerifikuotos (be kenksmingų medžiagų) Memory putos (2.5 cm) ir Base putos (7.5 cm).

Mattress cover

Waterproof, removable by unzipping

Padding for side pillows

100% recycled synthetic cotton fiber

Bed cover

Removable. Velvet (sides), Artificial fur (sleeping surface). High quality polyester.

Washing instructions

Guolio užvalkalas tinkamas skalbti skalbimo mašina 40°. Prieš skalbiant užtraukti užtrauktukus. Nedžiovinti džiovyklėje.

Size M is recommended

Taksui, Mopsui, Prancūzų Buldogui, Nykštukiniui Pudeliui, Bostono terjerui, Miniatiūriniui Cvergšnauceriui, Shiba Inu, Kitoms panašaus dydžio veislėms

Size L is recommended

Vidutiniam Pudeliui, Anglų Kokerspanieliui. Bigliui, Korgiui, Anglų buldogui, Stafordšyro Bulterjerui, Smulkesniems Borderkoliams ir Australų Aviganiams, Vipetui, Kitoms panašaus dydžio veislėms

L PLUS dydis rekomenduojamas

Labradoro Retriveriui, Auksaspalviui Retriveriui, Amerikiečių Stafordšyro Bulterjerui, Bokseriui, Australų Aviganiui, Borderkoliui, Standartiniam Pudeliui, Vižlui, Kitoms panašaus dydžio veislėm

Size XL is recommended

Stambiems Labradoro ir Auksaspalviams Retriveriams, Vokiečių Aviganiui, Baltajam Šveicarų Aviganiui, Rotveileriui, Akitai, Cane Corso, Samojedų Šuo, Karališkam Pudeliui, Kitoms panašaus dydžio veislėm

3 reviews for Ortopedinis guolis „Pet Comfort Lounge”, rudas

  1. Laura P.

    Nu labai fainas guolis! Tviksas dar pratinasi, o mums labai patinka!

  2. Akvilė M.

    Esame labai patenkinti produktu. Jaučiasi ir matosi gera kokybė, šuniukas iškarto atsigulė ir ilgą laiką uostinėjosi. Naktį net nėjo į lovą ir sau patogiai miegojo guolyje. Esame labai patenkinti!

  3. Laura P.

    O.buddy guolis puikus mūsų pasirinkimas! Jis mėgstamas ne tik augintinio, bet ir vaikų, kurie gavę progą taikosi ant jo prisėsti ar prigulti 😃 Guolis švelnius, patogus ir stilingas! Jame smagu ne tik saldžiai miegoti, bet patogu ir ką nors pagraužti. Rekomenduoju!

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